
Pathfinders /// "From Lost to Life"
Pathfinders makes online counseling accessible to people of all nationalities and walks in life, especially those with limited access to resources and help. It has proven to be an effective bridge to evangelism and discipleship, leading people to a relationship with Jesus and a deeper understanding of God and the Bible.
Through its ministry, Pathfinders has been able to reach out to people from different age groups and faiths, bringing to them the Good News of salvation while leading them on a journey to healing and wholeness
Thus, Pathfinders aims at telling the foreigner among us about salvation in Jesus Christ, building a diverse community of Christ-followers who, through biblical discipleship and Christian counseling, become spiritually, mentally and emotionally healthy so that their testimony to the power of God breaks through human or geographical limits.
In the PDF packet, there are testimonies and stories of a few of the people I've worked with over the years. God keeps adding to them.
Ellie Markova